France: L'Ile de Groix

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The following text comes from Bjorn and Shetelig's, 'Viking Antiquities in Great Britain and Ireland, Volume IV'. It is the authors intention to try and marry this description with images of the finds where possible.


L'lle de Groix Sword O.jpg
Sword Type O

The guard and the cross-piece of the pommel of a sword, of the five lobed type Jan Petersen O. Both pieces are of iron plated with silver and decorated with a peculiar scroll patterns, composed of ribbons filled with dots, resembling Jan Petersen fig. 105. Scanty fragments only of the blade are extant.

L'lle de Groix Sword R.jpg
Sword Type R

Fragment of the guard of a sword of iron, with plain bronze inlay, and three-lobed pommel of the same sword, Jan Petersen type R.