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Catalogue of Archery Evidence

5 bytes added, 16:01, 8 January 2017
/* Life of St Guthlac */
::“that he might wound the hearts of men therewith, suddenly, as from a bended bow, he fixed the dart of his temptation in the soul of Christ’s soldier. When, therefore, the blessed man was wounded with the poisoned arrow of the accursed spirit,….. Thus had the devilish arrow wounded him with desperation”
::“and lo ! this same thorn, as an arrow speeds from the bow, so did it fly from the man, and go to a distance;”
* ===Anglo-Saxon Chronicle ===[Ingram 1912]
:*Battle of Brumby AD 938
::there lay many
:*AD 1083
::The Frenchmen broke into the choir, and hurled their weapons toward the altar, where the monks were; and some of the knights went upon the upper floor, (103) and shot their arrows downward incessantly toward the sanctuary; so that on the crucifix that stood above the altar they stuck many arrows. And the wretched monks lay about the altar, and some crept under, and earnestly called upon God, imploring his mercy, since they could not obtain any at the hands of men. What can we say, but that they continued to shoot their arrows; whilst the others broke down the doors, and came in, and slew (104) some of the monks to death,
===Battle of Maldon===
'' AD 901 – Written?'' [Killings 1996]