
Coats (Men)

6 bytes added, 13:41, 26 March 2013
/* Body Warmmer (Thorax) */
* Louis the Pious (826AD) (EWING 2007, p.115)
* Fuller brooch (late C9th)
|Literature =
* Einhard: Life of Charlemagne (c.829-836AD) in winter by a close-fitting coat of otter or marten skins.
* Ólpa, stakkr, kufl: Norse for clothing made out of shaggy felt or fur (HAGG 1984, p.186).
|Archaeology =
* Hedeby, Denmark (late C10th – early C11th) 9 fragments of heavy fluffy woollen (5mm thick) body warmers (HAGG 1984, p.183-185) cut to wrap around the front of the body and to reach to just below the waist. One of the Hedeby finds had a trace of bronze near the bottom corner probably from a bronze pin (EWING 2007, p.111)
|Discussion =
Geijer translates Einhard’s description as a ‘waist coat’ (GEIJER 1938, p.148)<br>
Hagg puts forward a theory that the woollen finds from Hedeby would have been worn by normal people as an affordable version of the fur body warmers worn by the rich (HAGG 1984, p.183-185)<br>
Ewing describes Einhard’s garment as “this garment covered just the chest and shoulders; the kings thorax is of otters kin or ermine and he wears it for warmth” (EWING 2007, p.110-111)<br>