
Reproductions of the Bayeux Tapestry

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Created page with "{{Stars1}} This article lists and details copies made of the Bayeux Tapesty mainly prior to 1900.<br> <br> == Before the 1842 Restoration== ===c.1700 Faucault=== Found amoun..."

This article lists and details copies made of the Bayeux Tapesty mainly prior to 1900.<br>
== Before the 1842 Restoration==

===c.1700 Faucault===
Found amoungst XXX Faucault's papers after his death in XXX. Faucault was XXXXX. The drawing of this colour copy of the Tapestry has been atributed to either Faucalt himself, his daughter Anne or possibly to a comissioned artist. Only first 30' (1/7th) of the Tapestry depicted.<br>

===1729 Montfaucon engravings===
Bernard de Montfaucon publishes an engraved version of Faucault’s drawings of the first 30' of teh Tapestry in ‘Monumens de la Monarchie Francoise – Volume I’ in 1729. These emgravings were C18th to appease the readers.<br>
* [[#References|Montfaucon (1729) Monumens de la Monarchie Francoise – Volume I]] <br>

===1729 Benoît===
Bernard de Montfaucon commissions Antonine Benoît to produce an accurate copy of the rest of the tapestry in 1729.<br>

===1730 Montfaucon engravings===
From Benoît’s sketches Bernard de Montfaucon's publishes a copy of the tapestry in his ‘Monumens de la Monarchie Francoise – Volume II’ in 1730.<br>
* [[#References|Montfaucon (1730) Monumens de la Monarchie Francoise – Volume II]]

===1733 Lancelot===
From Benoît’s sketches Lancelot's publishes a copy in 1733.<br>

===1821-1823 Stothard ===
In 1816 Charles Stothard is commissioned to make a colour copy of the tapestry. He travels to Bayeux 3 times to produce his water-colour drawing for the London Archaeological Society’s ‘Vetusta Monumenta’ published between 1821 and 1823. Stothold used stitch holes to try and fill in the missing bits and these reconstructions are included in his drawings.<br>
At least 1 part of the tapestry were removed by souvenir hunters such as Stothard. These parts were replaced by later reconstructions. <br>
Stothard records some of his observations in a letter to Samuel Lysons, Esq. in 1821. [STOTHARD 1821]<br>

===1821? Stothard plastercasts===
made 3 plastercasts [LAKING 1920].<br>

===1824 Le Thieullier engraving===

===1838 Sansonetti engraving===
From Stothard’s drawings. Sansonetti engraving 1838. Apparently shows some areas as missing where Stothard shows his reconstructed.<br>

==After the 1842 Restoration==
In 1842 M. Ed. Lambert, the custodian of the Tapestry in its new permanent home in Bayeux, had the tapestry relined and repaired following Stothold’s drawings and his proposed reconstructions<br>

===1873 Dossetter photos===
First photos taken by E. Dossetter in 1873 and published by the Arundel Society.<br>

===1875 Fowke photos===
In 1875 Frank Fowke also publishes the photos (I think) in his ‘The Bayeux Tapestry’.<br>

===1885 Leek Embroidery Society copy===
In 1885 Elizabeth Wardle arranged for the Leek Embroidery Society to make a full scale copy of the tapestry. This was based on coloured photos taken by Dossetter held in the V&A. This is now on display in the Reading museum. <br>

===1966 National Geographic===
First colour version of the photos to appear in a magazine.<br>

===1983 Wilson===
Photos taken whilst the tapestry was removed for cleaning.<br>

== What was restored in 1842? ==
In this section we will review items that have been comentated on as being false restorations.<br>
===The arrow in Harold’s eye===
reconstructed from a few holes.<br>
===The first scene===
Lots of damage
*Edward Rex - <br>
*Harold’s moustache - added to the fist panel scene to make him ‘more English’<br>
===The last scene===
Lots of damage
*Saxon escaping on horse - <br>

== References ==

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