
Round Shield Designs

646 bytes added, 17:50, 21 September 2015
{{Stars2|Category = Armour}}
Evidence for Viking age shield designs come primarily from art. Literature seems to only mention that the shields were painted. One of the things that differentiates post Roman shields from those of the Roman era is the use of spiral designs. These dominate on depictions of shields after AD 400.
16 silver pendants from Birka appear to copy shields complete with spiral design and possible shield handles. [ARWIDSSON 1989:p.9-11]
''From Art''<br>
:*Stone slab from Hornhausen C4th to 7th [DEVIRES and SMITH 2007:p.226]
:*c.1000 Aachen Cathedral Treasury, Ivory Situla
''From Art''<br>
NoneScandinavian:*Lillbjars, Gotland, C8th [HEATH 1985:p.53]