Category:Bjorn & Shetelig 1940
From The Viking Age Compendium
Bjorn, Anathon, and Shetelig, Haakon (1940) Viking Antiquities in England. Edited by Haakon Shetelig. (Available Online) Viking Antiquities in Great Britain and Ireland: Part 4
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This category has the following 24 subcategories, out of 24 total.
Pages in category ‘Bjorn & Shetelig 1940’
The following 27 pages are in this category, out of 27 total.
- Seax
- Research:Seax
- Select List of Viking Age Hoards
- Shields found in Britain
- Spears
- Spears found in Britain
- Sword Scabbard Chapes
- Swords found in Britain
- Swords of Type I found in Britain
- Swords of Type II found in Britain
- Swords of Type III found in Britain
- Swords of Type IV found in Britain
- Swords of Type V found in Britain
- Swords of Type VI found in Britain
- Swords of Type VII found in Britain
- Swords of Type VIII and IX found in Britain
- Swords of Types Disc found in Britain
- Swords of Types Unknown found in Britain
Media in category ‘Bjorn & Shetelig 1940’
The following 32 files are in this category, out of 32 total.